What is it?
Cystonette is a safe way to get rid of involuntary urination. According to the latest statistics, 38.6% of women over 30 years old face this problem. There are many reasons for it. These include hormonal imbalance, stress, excessive mobility of the urethra and bladder, weakened pelvic floor muscles, infectious diseases, excess weight, and difficult childbirth.
Incontinence can significantly worsen your life, turning it into an endless search for the restroom. It makes it impossible to relax, enjoy a fun holiday with friends, or tackle an important project at work. Frequent urge to urinate, the feeling of an incompletely emptied bladder, unintentional incidents leading to wet underwear - there is a natural remedy for all these troubles without side effects.
Cystonette is developed exclusively from herbal components, which not only normalize the functioning of the genitourinary system, but also strengthen the immune system, increase overall tone and help you forget about the problem in just 1 course of taking the drug.
How it works?
The positive effect of Cystonette on the genitourinary system occurs simultaneously in several directions. While some active components of the drug normalize the muscle tone of the excretory system, the rest are engaged in strengthening the immune system, destroying pathogens and accelerating the restoration of damaged tissues.
This improves kidney function and accelerates the healing of the bladder walls and urinary canals. At the same time, the state of the nervous system is normalized: anxiety decreases, sleep improves, and calm returns.
Cystonette has a cumulative effect, due to which, after finishing taking the drug, health and energy will be maintained for a long time.
An irresistible urge to urinate, frequent visits to the restroom (more than 9 times a day), sensations of an incompletely emptied bladder, the need to make muscular efforts to empty, leakage of urine when laughing, coughing, physical activity, after drinking alcoholic, carbonated drinks, coffee.
Pregnancy, breastfeeding, age under 18 years, allergic reactions to individual components of this drug.